Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Follow once,
Restorm mud,
Complete the circle,
Break, redraw,
Hanging couture
From hooks in
The atmosphere,
And dangling snaps,
You mark the time,
Watch then pass,
A signalled delay,
Grasses sink,
Into my brightest eye,
Hot as a wheezing cat,
Aware of distant keening.
The smoothness of ten,
Of deft apertures.
Lichen to arrange.


  1. This is a bit different to what I've read of yours. Is this recent or pulled from a notebook?x

  2. recent actually
    i have a lot of older stuff a bit more like this too, just not posted. what struck you as different xx

  3. Different rhythm and shape - I'm unsure of the meaning though but that means it might be working through my unconscious now x

  4. oh really, unsure? thats interesting because compared to my other poems i read this and think how unsubtle it is. perhaps because it's an image so vivid in my own mind, im making references which are almost personal - they mean more to me than other readers. maybe, maybe. x
