Thursday 30 December 2010


Or more specifically, TK, my first and only follower, and anyone else who has the fortune to stumble across this speck in the galaxy of blogspot blogs...hello there, you...
I'm starting this blog: - for me, as a place to record and untangle chaotic thoughts as and when they frolic into
                                  my mind, as a digital substitute for the written journal I keep but cannot always be
                                  bothered to stand up and retrieve, when I'm busy at the computer, or travelling and
                                  haven't brought my written diary with me. It's just a much more efficient and effective
                                  method of journal-keeping that allows me to archive my entries accessibly instead of
                                  letting them rot in a suitcase in the attic.
                               - perhaps eventually for other people to be able to take something of interest from
                                 anything I have to say, seeing as this is a public blog.

I fell in love with Chekhov a couple of days ago when I read Ivanov, one of his earlier plays, for many of the same reasons I love Hamlet. Though very different in obvious ways I'd go as far as to say that both plays are essentially about depression, which draws me to them as they have this clinical, extremely modern, 'now' quality. I think that's a result of all this pop-psychology we're being fed....literature, cinema is all becoming more and more psychological, which I can appreciate and enjoy...
They're both works that don't feel dated at all, and its alot harder for me to appreciate dated lit. than contemporary lit...

Also, I swear, my clothes are busting out of every storage space in this house, I have enough clothes to clothe the population of a small town. This happened gradually and insidiously, and now they are eating me...I am ambivalent towards this.

Good night, I'm off to fend off the socks x